1 hour Kueh Taster Session
Kueh Workshops

1 hour Kueh Taster Session

Similar to workshop with Spotify. Tap on https://n9.cl/30p6o to view event coverage. Duration: 1 hour

  • Short sharing about Who We are and our Social Enterprise by co-founder, Qara Yoon
  • Live demonstration of Png Kueh moulding step (1 step) by Chef Mum Yoon 1 step Hands-on Kueh moulding process by participants
  • Each participant get to make and bring home 2pcs of steamed mini sized Png Kuehs


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Please ensure quantity for checkout is same as pax attending

Please ensure quantity for checkout is same as pax attending

Please ensure quantity for checkout is same as pax attending

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Yoon’s Holdings Pte Ltd.
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