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Yoon’s Traditional
Teochew Kueh

We at Yoon’s Traditional Teochew Kueh (Yoon’s) are Traditional Teochew Kueh Makers who endeavour to preserve the fading Teochew Kueh Culture & Heritage and impacting the next generation through fun & engaging corporate team-building and/or individual Kueh workshops.

Yoon’s offers a wide range of interesting programmes, traditional food products and services. We also provide online and retail sale of our delectable Traditional Teochew Kuehs.

About Us

Yoon’s Social Kitchen

Yoon’s Social Kitchen, is set up not only to cultivate the appreciation of our Singapore’s Traditional Heritage food; it is primarily to provide a training platform for our target beneficiaries for them to be able to thrive and exhibit their cooking talents in a safe and unbiased working environment.

At Yoon’s, we are understanding towards our beneficiaries’ limitations (e.g. physical, education, etc.) and will conscientiously work around them. For individuals assessed to be suitable, they will also have the opportunity to become co-business owners with Yoon’s, achieving a higher income through our profit sharing schemes.

Traditional Teochew Kueh Makers

Mission & Vision Statement


Our Mission

To provide sustainable and gainful employment for our beneficiaries through a safe and caring work and living environment.


Our Vision

Empowering our beneficiaries to lead a dignified life free from the bondage of drug abuse.

What We Do

Provide Training

Provide Training

Hands-on Kueh-making, baking skills and life skills such as work ethics, communication skills, teamwork, online business, entrepreneurship, etc.

Job Emplacement

Job Emplacement

Our various F&B establishments or similar F&B trade employers who share the same vision.



A safehouse providing stable lodging increase employment sustainability and decrease risk of relapse by keeping them away from anti-social influence.

Social Support & Rehabilitation Program

Social Support &
Rehabilitation Program

Prevent further reoffending. Job Coach/Counsellor onsite exerting a stabilising influence and mediate worksite problems.


Media Coverage

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