Kueh Workshops

3 hour Fully Hands-on Team-building Kueh Making Workshop

Similar to Fully hands on Kueh workshop with The Helping Hands and Barker Road Methodist Church. Tap on https://n9.cl/t8ium to view event coverage.
Duration: 3 hours

  • Slides sharing about Who We are, our Social Enterprise and Learn about the Kueh Culture and Heritage by co-founder, Qara Yoon

  • Live demonstration of every Png Kueh making steps by Chef Mum Yoon

  • Fully Hands-on Kueh making process by participants. To work in pairs. Each pair to replicate every step after demonstration by Chef Mum Yoon

  • Each participant gets to make and bring home: 5pcs of steamed Png Kuehs, a 3pc box of our Yoon’s Signature Kuehs (Mang Guang Kueh, Cikak Dousha Kueh, Tiam Tor Peanut Keuh), our exclusive recipe sheet and a traditional pink plastic Kueh mould as memento

Order total:
Yoon’s Holdings Pte Ltd.
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