Traditional Teochew
Tiam Tor Kueh Workshop
(Fully Hands-On)

  • Preparation of Sweet Potatoes, Cooking of Dousha, Making of Kueh Skin, Cutting of Banana Leaves to Kueh-shape, Wrapping and ‘Kupping’ Techniques, Steaming of Tiam Tor Kuehs
    • Sharing of Teochew Kueh heritage
    • An Exclusive Bilingual Yoon’s Recipe Sheet to take home
    • Plastic Traditional Kueh Mould to take home
    • Each participant will make 5 pcs of Kueh. All Kuehs made to take home
    • Complimentary Yoon’s Signature Kueh Pack
  • Included in Yoon’s Siganture Kueh Pack – Yoon’s Signature Png Kueh, 1 Yoon’s Authentic Cikak Kueh (Dousha filling), 1 Yoon’s Teochew Tiam Tor Kueh (Peanut filling), 1 Gu Cai Kueh and 1 Mang Guang Kueh
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About Qara Yoon &
Chef Müm Yoon

Nicknamed Chef Müm by her children, Mdm Lim Lee Hoi (Mrs Yoon), began her kueh-making journey as a teenager! Born into a Teochew family as the eldest sister to six siblings, and subsequently marrying into another Teochew clan, she was expected to take care of her siblings, husband, family and do all the household chores – including cooking. From these responsibilities grew her independent spirit and entrepreneurial approach to finding solutions for challenges both in and out of the kitchen. She always seeks to evolve and improve her Kueh skills, ensuring only the best goes out from her steamer to her family and her fellow Kueh enthusiasts!


Importance Of
Preserving The Kueh
Culture And Heritage

Every year before the pandemic, Chef Müm and her daughter, Qara Yoon, would without fail, visit their relatives in China and Thailand, in pursuit of their roots and to learn about traditional Kueh recipes in hope to preserve the authenticity. Since young, Qara saw how Chef Müm insisted on premium ingredients and she was deeply impacted and inspired to learn how to make Kuehs. Over the years, they received positive feedback and responses over their handmade Kuehs. Chef Müm always reminded Qara the importance of preserving the art of making authentic Teochew Kuehs and not let it die out.

So now, with the same heartbeat as Chef Mum, valuing the importance of preserving the Kueh Culture and Heritage so that this fading tradition can be retained and continued for the generations to come, Qara is taking over the reign to preserve our Teochew Kueh Heritage.


Frequently Asked Questions

Note that we require minimum 3 participants before we can start a class.
• Confirmation of class is only after payment is made within the stipulated timeline provided.
• All confirmed registrations are non-refundable but transferable to another class date of the same value, should you be unable to attend the class.

In the event that the minimum number of participants is not met, the class will be cancelled. We will inform you via email/text 3 days before the class. You can choose to either get a refund of the cooking class fee or attend another class of the same value.
• For cancelled classes, participants have 30 days to advise whether they want to transfer to another class date/refund. If no reply is received, a refund will automatically be processed.

No refunds will be given for unattended classes. However, a replacement participant can be sent, with minimum 48 hours advanced notice via email/text from the registered participant. You may also attend another class date of the same value.
• Should there be no suitable dates of another class of the same value, the class fee value can be converted and exchangeable for the Kueh items sold on our online platform. Value of the class fee to be exchanged must be utilised within 3 months from the conversion date. Any unutilised value will expire thereafter.

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Any Questions? We’re Here To Help